Bosch UX Space

“Make better products by making your customers’ experiences real."

UX@GS SPACE was successfully launched in Shanghai on April 27th, 2023. The project kicked off at July 2022; the UX core team initiated a Business Objective Workshop with GS Service Line and stakeholders. The goal was to collect expectations for UX Space's function and purpose, identify key success factors, and understand pain points for current UX project management. Top expectations included an open space for users, business, and technology, collaboration with users to drive GS service transformation, and support for creating more value in various channels for the end customers and users.



The Global Service Team wants to enlarge their team, and build a better service experience with a new way of working, immersive environment and digital delivery capabilities.
Specially, there are 3 general challenges to address:

  • How do people interact in the space?
  • How to design to make full use of the wall surfaces in a space?
  • How to add visual depth and dimension to a space?

The Solution

Maximising every part of the space, including the walls, the design enhances user interaction within the room, resulting in a complete and immersive and inclusive experience.

Global Service-User
Experience Team


My Roles



2 Months (Feb.2023 - Apr.2023)

Project Director and
UX Designer

Bosch Global Service Department

Maturity Level


Market Research

There are many organizations have adopted or are building their own UX labs.Based on the unique user-centred approach, they provide users a better service experience with a new way of working, immersive environment and digital delivery capabilities. UX lab provides an open platform for co-creating the future with customer and user.

Business Objective Workshop


Time: Jan.5.2023
Participants: GS Service line & Stakeholders
Expected outcome:

  • Pain point for current UX project management
  • Collect expectation for UX space function & purpose
  • Identify the key “success factors” for UX space



Top Expectations by stakeholders

  • Open space for users, business and technology.
  • Collaborate with users  in projects to drive GS service transformation.
  • Support service area to create more values in various channels to the end customer and user.


Design Direction

"Make better products by making your customers’ experiences real."
  • Change the culture of “the business already know what customer needs by changing the context first
  • Bring people across different organization together
  • Sharing & Understanding

Design Challenge 1: How do people interact in the space?

During the entire design process, as the lead designer and project manager, I engaged in numerous team discussions to enhance the overall user-friendliness, visual appeal, visitor experience, and functionality of the space.

Design Solution 1: Dividing the functional zones firstly, then proceed with detailed design

Design Challenge 2: How to design to make full use of the wall surfaces in a space?

Below are pictures of previous space.

Design Solution 2: Wall Design

Create visual decorations on each wall that resonate with the corresponding functional areas.


Design Direction

"Make better products by making your customers’ experiences real."
  • Change the culture of “the business already know what customer needs by changing the context first
  • Bring people across different organization together
  • Sharing & Understanding

Design Challenge 1: How do people interact in the space?

During the entire design process, as the lead designer and project manager, I engaged in numerous team discussions to enhance the overall user-friendliness, visual appeal, visitor experience, and functionality of the space.

Design Solution 1: Dividing the functional zones firstly, then proceed with detailed design

Design Challenge 2: How to design to make full use of the wall surfaces in a space?

Below are pictures of previous space.

Design Solution 2: Wall Design

Create visual decorations on each wall that resonate with the corresponding functional areas.

Design Challenge 3: How to add visual depth and dimension to a space?

Design Solution 3: Ceiling and Light Design

We designed the shape and placement of the lights according to the architectural structure of the space to ensure that the maximum amount of light can evenly illuminate the entire space. Also, we suspended key UX keywords at the partition structure in the room to enhance the atmosphere.


Final Design

Open Day

On the opening day, April 27, 2023, UX SPACE drew more than five hundred visitors, primarily consisting of employees from various company departments. We also took the opportunity to educate a broader audience on the crucial role of user experience (UX) design and service design in the development of departments.

" Users' needs never change. Technology upgrades, make better experiences achievable. Freshness experience makes users fall in love with it."
" The necessary success factors in service design include Human-centered, From surface to core, Co-creative, Holistic, and Iteration."

Xinlei Wang
Co-funder & CEO
"Humanistic Innovation for Magic Experience”

Rudy Wimmer
CBi Co-funder & CIO
"Amplifying Value Creation - Service Design"

Reflection & Future Vision

With the triumphant opening of UX@GS SPACE, we have taken a giant leap towards our future aspirations. As a team, we are deeply committed to our user-centered design philosophy and strive to create impactful experiences that resonate with our audience. Our goal is to collaborate with a diverse range of individuals and organizations to promote a deeper understanding and application of service design and human centered design. Moving forward, we are filled with enthusiasm and optimism as we embark on new projects and initiatives that will allow us to explore the endless possibilities of UX design.

Other projects: